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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Close to the 3day walking weekend!!!!!

Today is October 30th. My walking is for the weekend after Veterans Day. It's really close to now and I feel ready. I walked today 13 miles, I enjoyed the view but do this training by my self is not good. I am not listening music, and I was without Zeero. But anyway I did it. I walked, I stopped at Starbucks and I ate breakfast, I did two more stops to stretch and change the socks.
People honked at me during the walking, that was funny and cheerful my self to continue my journey.
I have been doing activities to collect the money, I am behind of my goal. But I feel so grateful to have friends that all the time are showing me their support. THANKS FRIENDS!!!!
I am still doing activities until the last minute, I hope I can meet my goal!!!!
This is not easy to do it, that is the thing, really you need to sacrifice a lot of things to meet your goal, to do the big effort, to help to find the cure....wake up early during weekends to walk, spend time organizing activities, spend time on the activities... nobody said it's easy, I know but I have been enjoying each moment that I was training, each activity that I planned, and I met a lot of people that make me feel so IMPORTANT BECAUSE I AM DOING THIS!!!!!

Breast Cancer Support HERSHEY'S Kisses Music Box: KISSES For A Cure

Breast Cancer Support HERSHEY'S Kisses Music Box: KISSES For A Cure

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Leyendo acerca de que alimentos te favorecen antes y despues del tratamiento encontre uno que es bendito: Aloe Vera, la savila. En jugos, puesta como locion de manos, y mezclado con otros alimentos. L aloe vera despues del tratamiento te quita ese deseo de nauceas, ese deseo de vomitar. Te ayuda con la ansiedad de tu cuerpo.
Reúne tantas propiedades curativas que haría palidecer de envidia al boticario de la esquina. La planta de sábila, conocida por su nombre científico de Aloe vera, ha sido usada desde el origen mismo de la humanidad hasta nuestros días trayendo salud y bienestar. Y hasta Cleopatra lo usaba a diario como ingrediente esencial en sus cuidados de su delicada piel. recuerdo que mi pap y mama la usaban para todo, mi mama aun, toma jugos con aloe vera, y se unta por todo el cuerpo la savila. Por eso estara tan bien de salud y por eso luce tan joven. Leyendo encontre esta informacion que es muy valiosa: Si se quiere resumir este pasaje de curiosidades de la milagrosa planta, baste señalar que las quemaduras causadas en Hiroshima y Nagasaki por las explosiones atómicas, aliviaron mas rápidamente con el aloe a diferencia de otros fármacos y en muchos casos sin dejar señales ni cicatrices. Y para no hablar de la NASA, la agencia espacial norteamericana que lo utiliza porque absorbe el 90% de la toxicidad de sustancias como PVC, fibra de vidrio, barnices, pinturas, radiaciones de los ordenadores, televisores y otros instrumentos electrónicos. Asi mismo la savila te ayudara en tu tratamiento contra el cancer a que tu cuerpo recupere la energia, a que se limpie de toxinas, y produzca nuevas celulas.
Esto encontre como medicina: Cáncer y úlcera: Tomar la sábila hervida, 3 veces por día y comer la sábila en ayunas, completar con la aplicación de barro. Es una de las pocas especies que contienen vitamina B12, además de vitaminas A, B1, B2, B6 y C.
Una sugerencia es: Lávela y limpie las venas laterales espinosas de la penca. Abra en dos mitades la penca. Raspe los cristales con una cuchara y póngalos en la licuadora. Agregue una cucharada de miel de abejas y el jugo de un limón (porciones para una persona y para una toma). Licue todos los componentes hasta que aparezca espuma.Sírvalo y bébalo. Salud!

Bueno esto espero les ayude en algo a aquellas personas que estan en tratamiento y tambien a aquellas que como yo gracias a Dios estamos sanos pero podemos prevenirlo!!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Escribir te ayudara!!!!!

Hoy quiero escribir en espanol....por mi gran amiga-mama Faride y por todas-os aquellos que han sufrido de cancer en el seno, que han tenido cirugia, y que estan o estuvieron en tratamiento.
Hoy leyendo informacion, encontre que escribir ayuda muchisimo, es como una terapia. Saca todos esos sentimientos encontrados y a la vez guardados para no hacer sufrir a los que te rodean, por eso es importante que lleves como un diario.
Escribir siempre que quieras, escribir diciendote a ti misma lo que sientes, lo que piensas....tus metas, tus pesares y tus alegrias....escribe es importante hacerlo porque te ayuda a sacar todo lo que te guardas, van quedando ahi en ti, eso no te ayuda a recuperarte. Ademas si lo deseas algun dia publicar y asi ayudar a otros sobrevivientes como tu, seria fanatastico.
ESCRIBE SIEMPRE.....Que tal si te compras un lindo diario de colores alegres o quizas lo quieras con figuras, flores, lineas etc esto te ayudara te animara cuando lo necesitas, te escuchara cuando deseas hablar y no puedas hacerlo, te recomfortara cuando queiras volver atras y lo leas, seguramente sonreiras, carcajearas o lloraras...pero escribir te AYUDARA!!!!!
Miren los comentarios que encontre:
"Iba pasando por todas las etapas, por los tratamientos, por las citas con el médico. Nunca me detuve en realidad a pensar en el lado emocional de las cosas. Cuando comprendí por fin con qué me estaba enfrentando, no sentí que tuviera el apoyo emocional que necesitaba". Carmen, sobreviviente de enfermedad de Hodgkin, 25 años.
Seria bueno buscar ayuda extra: Buscar nuevas fuentes de apoyo para su recuperación, por ejemplo amigos, familiares, otros sobrevivientes de cáncer, o un sacerdote, un pastor, o un rabino. Hacer grupos de apoyo con esos amigos sobrevivientes del cancer como tu.
No te encierres, sigue disfrutando de tu vida y de la de los tuyos, que importa como te veas, todos te quieren y nunca dejaran de verte como lo que siempre has sido esa persona que todos te quieren.
"Cuando desperté en la sala de recuperación después de mi cirugía ... sentí que había regresado del otro lado y eso no era tan malo. Era realmente el primer día del resto de mi vida y ahora de mí dependía que este comienzo tuviera sentido. Pronto comprendí que lo mejor que podía hacer por mí mismo era ayudar a otros a realizar el 'viaje' que yo había hecho". Miguel, sobreviviente de cáncer de próstata, 50 años.
Sige esos ejemplos, siempre trata de pensar lo mas positivo, aunque debe ser muy dificil, se que se podra lograr. Tienes a tu alrededor personas que te adoran, que cuida de ti, que darian lo que fuera por estar en tu posicion....dejalos LLEGAR A TI!!!!!
Por ti y para ti!!!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

My feelings!!!!

Hello everyone....I want to talk about my feelings right now.
I feel like I'm not doing enough to meet my goal with the 3day for the cure. I know I need to do the trainings so I can be able to walk 20 miles each day for 3 days in a row, and I know I need to collect $2,300 for November this year. I have the plan in my head....the difficult part is to put in march that plan. Well I started with a lot of enthusiasm, but now I don't feel the same as the beginning. Maybe is the weather because in the morning at 5:00 I always woke up and immediately went to the bathroom put on my walking clothes and I was ready to walk with people or by my self. Now when I wokw up, I'm thinking to do it and I decided no to go. I'm walking in the evening and I'm walking just 3 miles. About the money, I have a lot of ideas but I'm not doing anything to develop them. Well my big excuse is because the summer, it's too hot outside.
I know I need to talk to my self, bring me energy, enthusiasm, and more dedication with my commitment.
I'll do it, I know my self, I just need a little time.
This morning I walked 5 miles with my Zeero and Bonita (Monica's dog), poor dogs they were so tired and me... no, I felt so well and I am glad that I did this afternoon I'm going to visit Cold Stone and give her my offer to collect money.
I know my self!!!!! I can do it and I will......

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Still learning....

I'm changing my eating habits...I'm eating more healthy and I'm enjoying it.
I read long time ago an article about the food that helps to be healthy:
  • Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower have a chemical component called indole-3-carbinol that can combat breast cancer by converting a cancer-promoting estrogen into a more protective variety.
  • Avocados are rich in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body by blocking intestinal absorption of certain fats.
  • Carrots contain a lot of beta carotene, which may help reduce a wide range of cancers including lung, mouth, throat, stomach, intestine, bladder, prostate and breast. I don't eat carrots, I'll include in my diet now.
  • Chili peppers and jalapenos contain a chemical, capsaicin, which may neutralize certain cancer-causing substances (nitrosamines) and may help prevent cancers such as stomach cancer. In this case the "aji" is the same for my Colombian people.
  • Garlic has immune-enhancing allium compounds (dialyl sultides) that appear to increase the activity of immune cells that fight cancer and indirectly help break down cancer causing substances. These substances also help block carcinogens from entering cells and slow tumor development. I used the garlic to cook everything, like the rice, to marinade the beef or chicken, to the salads etc.
  • Grapefruits, like oranges and other citrus fruits, contain monoterpenes, believed to help prevent cancer by sweeping carcinogens out of the body. Some studies show that grapefruit may inhibit the proliferation of breast-cancer cells in vitro. They also contains vitamin C, beta-carotene, and folic acid. Well I don't eat or drink grapefruit (juice) but I love the oranges.
  • Grapes, red contain bioflavonoids, powerful antioxidants that work as cancer preventives.
  • Mushrooms - There are a number of mushrooms that appear to help the body fight cancer and build the immune system . I don't know the name of the each kind of mushrooms, but I always include them in my salads, sometimes with my eggs, or/and with the beef.
  • Oranges and lemons contain Iimonene which stimulates cancer-killing immune cells (lymphocytes, e.g.) that may also break down cancer-causing substances. I put lemon to the rice when I'm cooking and when I'm eating. Lemon to the beef, and lemon to the beer (Corona)hahahahaha.
  • Papayas have vitamin C that works as an antioxidant and may also reduce absorption of cancer-causing nitrosamines from the soil or processed foods. Papaya contains folacin (also known as folic acid), which has been shown to minimize cervical dysplasia and certain cancers. You can find it at Food City for sure.

Well today I want to share this information with everyone. It's important to start taking care of ourselves first, to be the models to the people that don't take care about them. Plus that make you feel so GOOD!!!!I do.

Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm learning....

This is true. I'm learning a lot of things with this journey. The most important respect to others, admirer others, and love strangers.
And I'm learning good stuff that are important to complete my 3 Day for the cure.
  • Wear socks o% cotton. All my socks are almost 100% cotton. The thing is that the cotton keep the moisture in your feet and that producers fungus and blisters that doesn't help with your walking. So I need to buy socks!!!!
  • The tennis shoes have to be light to walk and 1 and half or 2 sizes bigger than your normal size. Why? Because the feet are going to swell up while you are walking. The most you walk the most swelling you are getting. WOW I need new tennis shoes hahahahaha:):):)

So far so GOOD!!!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This is my first time!!!!

Well I'm participating in the 3Day for the Cure. This is my first time, I am so excited about it and my expectations are high. I'm thinking that I can meet my goal with the money ($2,300) and my goal with the walking (60 miles in 3 days). I have my family and friends help me out, so why not?
I'm participating in trainings that people with more experience in the 3Day are doing. I met a lot people and I heard a lot of sad and happy stories about them and their families.
This is a wonderful experience!!!
Later I can talk more about it, for now I just want to know how to work with this blog....I'm learning!!! :)