Yes, It is hard to re-start!!!! After what? 5 months? yes, I didn't do any exercise during this time, I was just walking to the park (2 and 1/2 miles)during the weekends; now it's so hard for me to re-start again everyday walking at least 5 miles. Today I did again 3 miles, I need to continuous doing this everyday because if I am not making my walking as a routine in my day, I can not done well on my 3days walking. It's hard to start...but you can do it, JUST stop sitting on the couch watching TV. Right now stand up and do the exercises in front of the T.V. if you don't want to go out (because the weather), or go out in the early morning 5:30 or 6:00 and walk or run, wherever you prefer. I prefer walk in the mornings because at the evening the ground is too hot for Zeero my dog and for me, I can feel it on my face.
Now as you know, it's important to follow some diet, I am not a big fan of the diets, I am not a consistent person with diets....well it's true, but I am trying...the good part is when I am going to buy groceries I can buy the things that I need and they are healthy, for example if I don't have bread at home, I don't eat it, so I don't buy it. Thinks like that help me a lot.
Then, start your day with a good breakfast, I started with proteins like eggs, or ham/cheese, or sausage... and of course my cup of coffee with just a little of Splenda. Then around 10:00 snaks: I always take a little bag with almonds, peanuts (salty and sweet) or just pieces of fruit, or the light yogurt. Lunch is a big salad with a little of light dressing or just lemon and salt, accompanied with a big piece of meat, or chicken, or tuna, or turkey or fish.... again snacks in the afternoon and the dinner: I do the salad, meat and a little of potato or rice or some pasta.
The most important the water, I always drink water during the day and for my meals I drink water or tea/lemonade.
This is the way that I must follow to be ready for my 3days walking in November, and for me to be healthy. I need to be consistent and I will.
Now it's your turn: Help me out with ideas!!!.

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